What's best than visiting and exploring Venice - the most unique and most romantic city on the world - from its special element?
Venice is based on water and it depends on water: every moment of Venice's life is connected to water and water level and water is the basic and primary road for Venice. So, it's mandatory a gondola ride in order to admire Venice from a different and intimate point of view. The only way to really understand this city is traveling in it starting from its inner nature: water.
Here you've got the chance to enjoy your gondola ride, a very unique experience.
You will easily reach on your own the chosen gondola station and you will immediately ready to start your dream. You will be on Gondola and your ride will begin, together with your astonishment.
Basic ride is 30 minutes, daylight, a gondola up to 5 people, plus the Gondolier (rowing man) which is mandatory the sixth on board.
Additional fee could give you the chance to have:
- a longer ride (60 minutes)
- a ride after the sunset
- a ride together with singer or player for live music (in this case the number of passenger on Gondola will be maximum up to 4. The 5th passenger will be the performer, the sixth passenger will be the Gondolier (rowing man))
Pease pay attention to all the option available, mandatory to be selected:
* 30 mins/ 60 mins
* before sunset/ after sunset
* with live music performance / without live music performance
* summer season timetable / winter season timetable